20' Container Of Graphite Electrode Was Sent To Kazakhstan

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Business year 2020 is gradually rounding up and many customers in the industry are trying to ensure that they secure all the materials they need to have a smooth and strong beginning in the incoming year.


Generally, the year has been a very dramatic one, especially due to the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the whole world and caused a reduction in the activities of people in their various businesses.


Well, while such occurrence was beyond the controlling powers of any establishment, we are glad that we, our customers and their businesses all over the world weren’t consumed by the cruel hands of the pandemic.


so, in preparation to start all afresh and with a new energy of development and progress, our clients all over the world are contacting us for various materials and equipment, since they have known us to be a dependable manufacturer and supplier of water filling machines for decades.


This reputation and a high level of trust, which we have gained from all our clients globally, is in part due to our commitment to being the best in the industry by standing out with outstanding performance in all our operations.


By so doing, we ensure that all our machine, equipment as well as accessories as manufactured under strict compliance with the requirements of good manufacturing practices (GMP). For this reason, we and our clients have confident that any product purchased from us will definitely be of the best quality.


In response to the need to setup their production facility as well as acquire new machines and accessories for the operation of their business in the new year, one of our client from Kazakhstan called in to request for the supply of some graphite electrode to them.

 graphite electrode

During our discussion with our client about the graphite electrode which they want us to supply to them, they informed us that they need a large quantity of this product since they know us to be a company that is dedicated to giving the best and nothing less.


Adding further, our client from Kazakhstan said that they wouldn’t want to invest such a huge amount of money to purchase substandard products that wouldn’t serve them as expected, and for that reason, they have chosen to partner with us for the supply of the said graphite electrode.


After we were done with making arrangement for the product, all the product that was shipped to our client in Kazakhstan were packaged in a 20 inches container that will prevent any deformity on the product, and the product was shipped to them in Kazakhstan.


On the receipt of the said product, our customer in Kazakhstan was highly impressed at the quality of the product, especially when some of the products were tested at their production factory.


Do you need a trusted and a highly experience manufacturer of water filling machine to do business with?


If yes is your answer, then we are here to help you with our first-class products that are designed and manufactured to stand the test of time.


Kindly click here to contact us for consultation, quote or to make a purchase, and we will be very glad to team up with you for the supply of our high-quality products. 


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